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Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing (CIIM) is committed to conducting high-quality workshops both online and offline (classroom). By attending these workshops, you can master many digital marketing skills in just 8-10 days. Once you are done with these workshops, you can even apply for a job or start your own business.

We conduct both free and paid workshops, where you will also get to interact with many industry experts. You can ask them as many questions as you like and know all the ‘secrets’ about the digital marketing industry, which are otherwise very hard to get hold off.

Digital Marketing Workshops

To stay up-to-date with our upcoming online and classroom workshops, keep checking out this page. Most of the workshops will take up to 3 to 7 days to finish. So you can learn a lot in a very short duration of time.

Generate 10x Revenue in Ecommerce Sales

Ravinder Singh

Ecommerce Specialist

Time : 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM

How to Get Huge Traffic with Content Marketing

Raghav Nehra

Content Writing Specialist

Time : 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM