073473 92745
073473 92745

Diploma in Digital Marketing in India

CIIM.IN help to get diploma in Digital marketing in Chandigarh, India. We provide 100% practical training with live projects.

Diploma in Digital Marketing:

The diploma in digital marketing will help you develop your skills to undertake effective digital marketing – This qualification provides you with the essential knowledge and skills you need to plan, implement and monitor effective digital marketing campaigns and contribute to operational marketing plans, using the latest digital tools and practices.

You’ll learn what digital marketing is about, including understanding the buzz words and main trends.

This course will guide you through thirty hours of in-depth learning in the following disciplines:

  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Pay Per Click
  • Display Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Analytics
  • Strategy and Planning

Digital Marketing Course Topics

  • Introduction to Digital Marketing

    The Introduction to Digital Marketing (also known as Online Marketing, Internet Marketing or Web Marketing) module enables you to harnesS

  • Search Engine Optimisation

    The Search Engine Optimisation module examines the various tactics for enhancing your website’s position and ranking with search

  • Pay Per Click Marketing

    The Pay Per Click module demonstrates how to implement and manage search advertising campaigns. Lectures will cover the key concepts

  • Email Marketing

    The Email Marketing module covers industry best practices for creating and delivering effective email marketing campaigns. The module covers the

  • Digital Display Advertising

    The Digital Display Advertising module equips you with the skills and knowledge to implement and manage effective digital display campaigns

  • Mobile Marketing

    The Mobile Marketing module focuses on utilising the power of mobile technologies as a way to access increasingly mobile consumers

  • Web Analytics

    The Analytics module enables you to fully measure, monitor and optimise your Digital Marketing activities. You will learn how to

  • Social Media Marketing

    The Social Media Marketing module is broken into two modules. The first module enables you to effectively engage with

  • Planning Your Digital Marketing Campaign

    The Strategy and Planning module provides a structured approach for bringing together all the strands of the Professional Diploma


Who is the Diploma in Digital Marketing for?

This qualification is designed for those who currently work in marketing or are seeking to enter the industry and want to gain more specialist knowledge of digital marketing.

This diploma is ideal if you are developing and implementing digital marketing plans or working in an online team. It will teach you the essentials to understand fundamental digital planning concepts. But no matter what your role is in your company, you will benefit from gaining insight into today’s digital arena.

  • Any marketing professional, who is currently using Digital Marketing to meet their objectives
  • Any web marketer, who wants to enhance his/her professional prospects in the Digital Marketing Domain
  • Any entrepreneur or affiliate marketer, who wants to use online media, to improve their business performance
  • Any individual / Beginner, who wants to capitalize on the career opportunities available in Digital Marketing Domain

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