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How To Create A UTM Code & start tracking In Google Analytics?

n today’s day and age, we are hit with so many types of marketing and advertising that we may not even notice all of them. When it comes to digital marketing, there are online and offline campaigns, and trying to see how these types of marketing are working for your company is extremely difficult.

As a marketing professional this is even more difficult, because you are responsible for showing results to your clients. One fantastic way to track your results is to use UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) codes. This simple technique can link your marketing practices to Google Analytics and give you the data you need to support an idea or switch gears to try something else.

What Is A UTM Code?

A UTM code, sometimes called a UTM parameter, is a portion of text added to the end of a URL that enables you to track visits from that URL you use as a link in social media, emails, and more. (more…)

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