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Lovely University Success Story and Case Study

Lovely Professional University: Success Story and JourneyLovely Professional University (LPU), spread across 600 acres of land, is amongst one of the most premium universities in not only Punjab but entire India. The university has more than 150 societies wherein students can enrol on the basis of their interests and passions.

However, the success that LPU is now enjoying didn’t come over night. Although an interesting one, the story of the founders is a typical rags-to-riches journey. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the success and journey of Lovely Professional University and its founders.

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Starting from a sweets shop

Baldev Raj Mittal was a military contractor in Rajasthan. Owing to his profession, the entire family had to move with the regiment, every two years. To secure the future of his children, Baldev Raj Mittal decided to open a sweet shop in the Jalandhar Cantonment area in the year 1961. His eldest son, Ramesh Mittal dropped out of Class 11 to help his father in the business.

Despite tough competition, Baldev’s “Lovely Sweets, a small 10X10 shop, was a hit. The shop changed two locations before becoming the city’s largest sweet shop in 1986. Today, they are enjoying a monopoly in the field and have expanded their business into a number of sectors, such as education, packaged food, greeting cards, automobile dealership, eggless baking, etc.

Baldev Raj Mittal, however, passed away in 2004. The business has been since taken care of by his sons and grandsons.


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