Adwords ad status means
We give your ad an approval status both before and after our review:
Before review:
- Eligible — Ad is still being reviewed. In the meantime, it can show on Google search pages and YouTube search results (TrueView ads), but not on the Google Display Network.
- Under review — Ad is still being reviewed and can’t show until it’s been approved.
- Not yet serving (video ads) — A video ad is not yet approved to appear on YouTube but is under review.
After review – ads can run:
- Approved — Ad complies with our policies, so it’s allowed to show for all audiences.
- Approved (limited) — Ad can run, but not in all situations due to policy restrictions such as those around trademark use and gambling ads.
- Approved (non-family) — Ad can run, but not in all situations due to restrictions on content that we consider “non-family safe.”
- Approved (adult) — Ad can run, but not in all situations due to restrictions on adult content.
- Serving (video ads) — A video ad is approved to appear on YouTube.
After review – ads cannot run:
- Disapproved — Ad cannot run as it is now because it violates AdWords policy.
- Site suspended — Ad cannot run because its website violates AdWords policy.
- Not serving (video ads) — All formats (headline, description, video, etc.) of the video ad have been disapproved.
- With issues (video ads) — One or more of a video ad’s formats are marked as “Disapproved” or “Approved (limited).”
There are also other statuses that are not related to ad approval, such as Paused, Ended, and Pending.