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Flipkart Success Story and Case Study

Flipkart Success Story and Case StudyLaunching a startup is perhaps every youth’s dream these days, but only a few possess the right mindset, strength and courage to do so. If we ask you to name a few successful startup stories, we are sure that the names Flipkart, Sachin Bansal’ and ‘Binny Bansal’ will cross your mind.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the case study and success story of e-commerce giant Flipkart, which has inspired thousands of budding entrepreneurs to go after their dreams even if the path is full of problems, obstacles and initial disappointments.

Table of Contents:

How was Flipkart founded?

The founders of Flipkart – Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansalare former IIT Delhi graduates. They left their lucrative jobs at Amazon to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. As a result, Flipkart was launched in October of 2007, with the aim of selling books online.

The plan was simple – customers would place an order for books through Flipkart and get them delivered right at their doorstep. They started their journey from a 2-bedroom apartment and made just 20 shipments in its debut year. Reportedly, the company was set up with just 4 lakh rupees and now its valuation has been estimated to be roughly $24.9 billion.


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