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Brands Get Creative on Social Media with Sacred Games 2 Theme Posts

See How Brands are Showing their Marketing Skills on Social Media with Sacred Games 2 Theme Posts

Sacred Games Season 2

The wait is over! Netflix Original Sacred Games Season 2 has released and brands on Social Media are going crazy over it. Social Media and the internet is flooded with the famous dialogues and iconic characters from the series.

Based on Vikram Chandra’s novel, Sacred Games Season 1 was launched in the year 2018 which was very much liked by the audience and left them looking for more.

On 15th August, i.e. 73rd Independence Day Netflix released the next season of the series.

The reviews and good response from the audience, certainly bring it to the trending topic on social media and the internet. #SacredGamesSeason2 fever on social media makes brands to join the trending topic and made the best of the opportunity through moment marketing.

1. Godrej Nature’s Basket

Brands creativity on Sacred Games Season 2

2. Brand Factory

Brand Factory on Sacred Games 2

3. Dominos India


4. Rite Bite Max Protein

5. Faasos

6. Lenovo Smart

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